Multi-Vitamin Smoothie

With Dr. J’s Mouthpaste Recipe you’ll get the benefits of great toothpaste ingredients without the harm of the typical bad ones.

Foods For a Stronger Immune System

Food can heal and strengthen you, so check out this post to learn about some foods for a stronger immune system and recipes that use them!

How to Prevent the Flu Naturally

prevent the flu naturally

Is there a way to prevent the flu naturally? If you’ve been following the media, you know there is a lot of talk about viruses right now and I want to answer some questions for you!

Going To Battle With A Cold

Dr. J's Cold-Busting Ginger-Ade

Have you noticed how nasty the cold season has been this year? It seems everyone has something, and the something they have doesn’t go away very quickly.


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Take your knowledge to the next level! This Ebook includes:

  • In-depth explanations of each of the 5 keys
  • The principles you need for a healthier mouth and body
  • The Healthy Mouth, Healthy YOU Plan and 
  • Dozens of recipes you and your family will love!