Implants: Feeling Beautiful and Normal Again!

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“I feel completely normal and beautiful once again.”

I was recently introduced to a beautiful 18 year old young woman, who was involved in a life-threatening accident when she was 16. 

She was riding an ATV on a steep mountain road when she lost control while coming around a sharp corner and plunged off a cliff. 

Miraculously, she landed on a small ledge that prevented her from falling to her death.  She broke her back, suffered severe head injuries, and knocked out her front teeth.

She was in a coma for weeks and then months in the hospital. The family was advised that she could possibly never walk again and could possibly be mentally disabled. Surprising the doctors, she recovered completely, except for remaining deaf in her left ear.

After these events, she was referred to my office for treatment of her missing front teeth. 

She had significant bone grafting followed by implant placement and cosmetic gum surgery. One year later, she returned to her general dentist for final crowns to replace her missing teeth.

On the day of her appointment, I received an urgent call from her dentist. Knowing that cosmetics were demanding in this case, my heart sunk with anticipation of a problem. As I answered the phone, I sensed a great deal of excitement. 

He informed me that this young woman had just left his office, and he felt impressed to call me immediately to share his experience. He said that the young lady had the final crowns cemented and then evaluated them in a mirror. 

She began to cry and cry then hugged the dentist. 

She was so surprised at how natural her smile looked.

She said that after all, she had been through, having her teeth back is what made her feel completely normal and beautiful once again.

She hugged the dentist, assistant, and receptionist on her way out. There was not a dry eye in the office. 

The dentist became emotional on the phone while describing the event and then stated, “this is why I decided to be a dentist”. 

He thanked me for the treatment we preformed that enabled him to deliver exceptional dentistry.

My Story

As a surgical specialist, I have been working with general dentists in situations like this for over 20 years!

There are various options for replacing teeth with implants, and it requires a personalized approach to meet the unique needs of different people.

The results are beautiful and satisfying, but not always easy.

Historically, that approach has required people to travel back and forth between the offices of the specialist and the dentist, creating a more challenging situation for optimal communication, planning, and travel time for patients.  

But it just got easier and better for you!

Recently, I have been able to join Total Care Dental and combine my surgical skills with a group of five highly talented dentists, who are also committed to excellence!

We work closely together during surgical and restorative procedures, which allows us to deliver exceptional dentistry to match the personalized needs of our patients.

We are able to complete the treatment from start to finish in one location, and we always consult as a team in order to deliver consistent, predictable, and beautiful results. 

We want all of our patients to feel “completely normal and beautiful once again”.

But wait! There’s more…

New Implants for You!

Consumers are demanding a more holistic and complete approach to health care.

At Total Care Dental, we are leading the field in this area!

As you know, we use many holistic techniques, but one of our biggest concerns is metal in the mouth.

We strive to remove all metals from a person’s mouth due to a variety of health complications related to these metals.

Unfortunately for those needing to replace teeth, we have only had titanium or metal implants available for the last 60 years.  

The good news is we have seen some amazing advances in implant technology recently. Over the last several years, a “metal-free” implant has been designed. 

Some refer to this implant as a ceramic implant, but the scientific name is Alumina-toughened Zirconia.  These Zirconia implants are completely white, metal-free, non-corrosive, non-toxic, and do not release any harmful ions into the body.

These are revolutionary implants that will completely change the future of implant dentistry.  

In addition to the benefits above, Zirconia implants are superior to titanium implants because they simply look better. They allow us to eliminate any gray that metal implants can create in the gum tissues. Also, Zirconia implants collect less plaque than titanium, which decreases inflammation in the gum tissue, and they generate better soft tissue, collagen, and tissue attachment than titanium implants.

They sound pretty great right?

Do you have missing teeth? Do you want to feel “completely normal and beautiful once again”?

When it comes to your mouth and replacing missing teeth, you can expect us to help you feel that again!

We will provide the latest and most advanced procedures to ensure your health and well-being. 

Trust your looks and health to us, and you won’t be disappointed! 

This is why I decided to be a dentist—I want to help people to feel normal, complete, and beautiful once again.     

Table of Contents

Dr. Robert Ferrell, DMD, MS

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