(801) 756-3737

12 Days of Nutrition

Nutrition is extremely important to oral 🦷 and overall health 💪. On our social media platforms, we did 12 days of nutrition challenge. We hope these tips will help you protect the health of your teeth and body.

Fluoride and Overall Health

Is fluoride good for overall health? Should you avoid fluoridated water? Learn those answers and more in Dr. Michelle’s newest blog!

Fluoride and Dental Health

Is fluoride good for dental health? That is a question I am asked almost every day in my practice, and today I will be explaining the answer!

Remineralizing Smoothie

Learn more about remineralization and check out this remineralizing smoothie recipe that is my current go-to for dental and overall health!

Remineralize Your Teeth

I’m Dr. Michelle Jorgensen from Total Care Dental and Wellness, and today I want to teach you about remineralizing or “regrowing” your teeth.

How To Breathe

Everyone loves taking a breath of fresh, spring air. But… are we doing it the right way? Learn more here about how to breathe for health!

Spring Clean Your Mouth

Spring is here, and in the spirit of spring cleaning, it is important to also spring clean your mouth! Learn what to do and what to avoid.

Dry Mouth = Cavities

How do you avoid and treat dry mouth? Let me share some practical suggestions and tell you what problems a dry mouth creates.


Special One Time Offer...

Get My Full Healthy Mouth, Healthy YOU Diet Ebook for Only $7.97

Take your knowledge to the next level! This Ebook includes:

  • In-depth explanations of each of the 5 keys
  • The principles you need for a healthier mouth and body
  • The Healthy Mouth, Healthy YOU Plan and 
  • Dozens of recipes you and your family will love!